Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Today will do few projects: 

 1). Develop an RDS instance module and add to the modules/code we developed in our previous post for the three modules (network, ec2 and security-group)

-- Create a folder and call it rds-database

-- Develop an RDS Module

-- Make the module dynamic ( do not hard code)

-- Use Parameter Store to store both the Username and Password

2). NOTE: Make sure to provide the developers/ops the option of passing a username and password of their choice from where the module is being called/consumed, to avoid any update action on the Database module.

-- Use the Data Function to call the values from Parameter Store

3). Make sure to provide both Single and Multi-AZ deployment options in your configuration in case the module is needed to provision database resources in production

-- Use both Subnet-1 and Subnet-2 for the DB placement.

-- Deploy the Resources and confirm everything was successful including the Database Module

NB:Kindly leave a comment if you are able to deploy. Happy Learning 😊

Referencing https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/db_instance

                Mbandi Awan - Instructor

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