Some of the basis to decide a particular architecture in google cloud. Google Cloud has Six pillars of architectural framework namely:
- Design Consideration : When you are providing solutions to clients, you have to consider the base foundation and consider them by introducing some of the practises that involves around the actual technology that you will be taking advantages. For example, a customer wants to store data in the cloud, for design consideration you have to look at the access to that data, how you manage access control, when it comes to compute resources, network, you have to develop best practises that is span across the workload in a consistent manner.
- Operational excellence : You will solely focusing on the stability of your environment. For example, an e-commerce, banking company. You will be able to gain insight into their operations.
- Security , Privacy , Compliance : As a solution Architect when you are designing and developing solution for the client make sure you consider the security aspect of that application. For example, hackers may bridge your environment and ask for ransom or forcefully disrupt the system or may be they are competitors and they try to bring your business down or malicious attack, or spread bugs in your system. As an architect you should design a robust solution to protect the system.
- With Compliance, this has to do with government , body regulations that governs how you operate. It is your responsibility as a solution architect to design system that would be both compliant based on government rules and regulations as well as third party regulations. For example, US Citizen data and Canadian data, Data it could be broken down into two:
- Sensitive : This is an information that literally be used to trace an individual like email, contact, name, date of birth. This kind of information is handled by companies and there are certain rules that have been put in place by government which MUST be compliant to keep the data secure. If you are not compliant, you will pay severely.
- non-sensitive
- Reliability, Fault Tolerant and Highly Available: Reliability is the ability for you to be able to build and design systems that are fault tolerant, elasticity and highly available. Fault tolerant: Is the ability to have a system that the failure of one component would not render the environment a complete failure. For example, you have 5 systems that are serving the application and users are accessing it and two goes down, the 3 left should be up and running. In this case, if you have this kind of structure it means your environment is FAULT TOLERANT. You can have an environment that is fault tolerant and its not highly available.
Highly Available: This is the main goal of an infrastructure. You should have an environment that well architected and can spans across region. This means that, at any hour of the week, day, month. You should have a direct access to the application. This includes fault tolerant and also the ability to scale. You cannot have an highly available environment which is not FAULT TOLERANT.
- Cost Optimization: As you architect the infrastructure you need to consider cost. Google cloud provided over 400+ services, and you will find out that 5-6 services can give you a solutions to cost based on client problem. You consider which serve gives the customer the best and you decide which service is cost effective.
- Performance Optimization: Your infrastructure should be more resilient accessing the application. We can say resource allocation is another factor, this is based in the size of the user base.
The next slide talks about GCP resources manager. Hope you find this tip informative😊! Happy Learning!
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