Today, we will guide you to set-up your cloud environment as an admin and team. I'll advise you use chrome.
The address bar search
Today, we will guide you to set-up your cloud environment as an admin and team. I'll advise you use chrome.
The address bar search
a. Query Scope: This has to do with the level at which you want to perform the analyses within your organization. When it comes to the identities, do you want to analyze from the root to projects. You have the ability to target the actual project or folder.
b. Query Parameter: This has to do with the actual resource (GCS bucket) you want to audit or validate. By this, you can provide the principal as the parameter to validation against if the user have been given that permission at the folder or organization level.
2. CLOUD POLICY TROUBLESHOOTER: Makes it easier to understand user accessibility to a resource or doesn't have permission to call an API .
example: Perhaps a colleague is having troubles with communication protocol. You can further investigate by making use of policy troubleshooter and provider full details.
For example: HR hires you as a developer and you're given organization admin access and Quality Assurance engineer is also given organization access or folder access. In this regards quality assurance team has been given escalated privilege which is bad. To automatically check your environment regarding previous and current team, IAM role recommender will be the service.
There are three component you inject with in policy;
a. The actual principle: At this level you provide the email. Meaning the identity you want to validate against.
b. Resources: If you want to access a compute engine and you're getting error, probably you're trying to create a snapshot for a compute engine instance . At this level you provide the specific resources and the actual permission that is needed to be able to interact with the action which the individual is trying to initiate.
c. Permission: You pass the actual permission from GCS bucket within the column to validate the resources and principal. it will check the pool of roles if the individual has access. This will give you the final result in milliseconds to know who has access.
3. IAM ROLE RECOMMENDER: This suggests a group of permission regarding role. Does its role at the background and you find it within security insight dashboard. Is a google native artificial intelligence tool to automatically check historical data. Checks the access of the individual and recommend. like Uber highly uses role recommender.
example: If you have 40 developers, 20 Cloud Architect , and you have been creating GCS, GCE with this, its hard to track all the activities. Over time, role recommender will monitor and gather the data for the last 90 days and suggest the best purpose role to the engineers. The AI will estimate/ filters what policy the developer might need to use and policies unused. That is very specific. However, if you're doing this manually it will take you months to achieve.
4. IAM POLICY STIMULATOR: This allows you check the validation of a particular user policy before its implemented. And it only works for existing policy either for groups, service account etc.
5. SERVICE ACCOUNT : Are used by particular type of entities like machines and applications. A developer can make an API REQUEST CALL to initiate that via the application. One of the most risk in IAM is service account.
example: You have an automation Pipeline and there's a service account in that process and its been used for authorization and you want to modify it, if you're careful your code could break, because you did not take precaution around your pipeline set-up. In this case policy stimulator will stimulate the behaviour based on the existing user access.
example: You could have different service account idle probably because the team no longer works and this users still exist within IAM. This can host certain level of risk, in this case you can make use of activity analyzer to decommission those users immediately.
6. ACTIVITY ANALYZER/EVENT MANAGER: It tracks and trace every activities within your GCP eco system.
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Today, we will buttress on the main instrument in cloud.
VIRTUALIZATION : Before Virtualization there was nothing like cloud. Virtualization gave birth to cloud which makes cloud computing possible. The reason is because, the word virtual which means, you have the ability to make available particular resources to be consumable via the network through the API CALLS. It can either public or private network.
It all started with private data centres/cloud. Public cloud did not exist before private cloud. Organization took advantage of virtualization to have that flexibility when it comes to partitioning and allocating resources as needed and efficiently utilizing the resources they had on-ground with the USE OF HYPERVISOR. Even though they're in the private cloud sector they still manage all the different appliances within the physical data centre, they needed the physical F5 LOAD BALANCER , FIREWALLS etc. All these falls within the loop of expenses.
For example:
Another organization wants to host an application which probably will be lunched in Europe. You have to factor to set-up a data centre in the EU which comes with certain limitations like capital. This is when big organizations like GOOGLE, MICROSOFT leverage the virtualization to a network structure which is spread across the globe via the open INTERNET. And provide some security services to be able to secure their resources virtually by integrating different technology.This is how public cloud existed.
You give people the opportunity to consume those same virtual resources via the internet not through the co-operate network. However, the fact that you can access through the internet does not mean its not secure thats where most companies are skeptical when it comes to that. Google cloud has developed a robust technology which you can use to protect your environment and improve on your security posture as and make it even better as compare to someone that running the private data centres.
Today, Government agencies are adopting cloud. Due to its security postures.
In our next slide, we will discuss the six pillars of GCP framework!Happy Learning๐!!
In our next slide, we will buttress on cloud challenges!Happy Learning๐!!
Mbandi AAK
There is a resource hierarchy within the resource manger. There are four different aspect of resource hierarchy. One of the first thing you define which will help you design the infrastructure will be;
Another example: Lets say you have 500 employees within your organization each of them has an email that ends with the company domain, like
If you're making use of workspace formally called G- suite you can integrate all 500 users into cloud platform and centralize the control, even if you need to block a particular employee.
1. FOLDERS (department): Can be used to segregate the different workloads that you are engaged in within the organization. For example, you have four team( A,B,C,D) and they handle independent project, generically, they will not need access because they are completely working on different project. Within a folder, you can have multiple objects to create resources.
Folders are NOT used to deploy resource. The folder sits within the domain.
G Suite is a collection of cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools developed by Google. It includes Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Calendar , Spread sheets and so on.
The three main editions of G -suite are monthly Basic $6, Business $12 and Enterprises $25. There are several alternatives to G- suites that you can consider like Fast mail, Office365, Zoho Workplace, Godaddy Email and office. etc
There are three types of IAM roles: Primitive/basic , Predefined, Custom.
Primitive/basic roles are the original roles that were available in the cloud console and it's broad. IAM basic roles offer fixed, coarse-grained levels of access.
GCP services offers their own sets of predefined roles, and they defined where those roles can be applied. This provides members with granular access to specific GCP resources and prevents unwanted access to other resources. The permissions itself are classes and methods in the APIs.
In our next slide, we will buttress on service models! Happy Learning๐!!
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How confident are you in your security program (Tools, systems, controls etc)? In the context of information security , the terms valida...